Covid Policy


At Starmaker we aim to maintain a secure, caring and stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to have respect for themselves and each other. Whilst expectations in our Behaviour Policy remain pertinent, it is necessary, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, to make some adjustments for the safety of all pupils and staff.

This document should be read alongside the Student Behaviour Policy.

Arrivals, Departures and Moving Around 

Parents / Guardians are expected to take their children’s temperature before they attend Starmaker Classes.  If you or your child have shown any signs of Corona symptoms, please stay at home – temperature, new continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

Children will be dropped off at the front door during their drop off window. There is no need for any other parent/carer to enter any of our sites.   Children who need the toilet before class and cannot go by themselves, may be accompanied by 1 parent wearing a mask.

At their designated home time, children will leave the building again through their designated exit. (please see venue details below). Again, there should be no reasons for parents/carers to enter the site. 

Movement around the site will be limited. They will always keep 2m apart when moving around. Children will follow an adult from their bubble on their designated route.

Children will be expected to tell a member of staff if they are unwell and are exhibiting signs of Coronavirus.  

Children should leave all belongings with a parent and just bring a water bottle in with them or change of shoes if needed. Please can all children come already dressed in their uniform (ballet / tap shoes to be brought in a plastic bag).

All staff to sign a health declaration.

Handwashing and Hygiene 

Children will be expected to follow all hand washing and hygiene routines. Children will wash hands/use antibacterial hand gel before entering, after returning from outside, before and after eating and at regular intervals during the day.

We ask the children to follow the catch it, bin it, kill it mantra. If they need to cough or sneeze, they should use a tissue or the crook of their arm (and therefore ‘dab’). Children will be reminded not to touch their face, mouth, nose or eyes while at Starmaker.

Should a child refuse to follow these routines, disciplinary procedures and sanctions will be used (see below).

First Aid: If staff need to administer first aid, then PPE will be worn. 

Track & Trace: Please see our GDPR privacy policy regarding the latest Covid19 track & trace. If your child or anyone in your household has any Covid19 symptoms after attending our classes, please inform us straight away.  You will be required to get a test done and inform us of the results.

Social Distancing

Children who are old enough will be expected to socially distance from their peers and adults inside and while outside. Children will be in bubbles of no more than 15. They will have their own designated space inside the studio. Children will put their hand up if they need adult support rather than come up to them.

Teachers will ensure that pupils, wherever possible, adhere to social distancing measures. Where older pupils do not comply, the usual disciplinary procedures and sanctions will be used (see below).

We understand socially distancing may be difficult for younger children, they will be encouraged wherever possible to keep their distance from peers and adults, however, we understand this may not always be possible.


Children will be supervised and encouraged to use toilets one at a time. When a child has finished in the toilet, they must wash their hands. 

Break Times

Starmaker Saturday afternoon class, age 6-7 years – children will be in a designated area for their 30 minutes break and will be 2 metres apart.

Saturday Lunch Club TBC – please register your interest.  All children will have to socially distance.

Behaviour at Starmaker

If a child’s behaviour is deemed high risk (for example, refusing to adhere to safety measure such as hand washing, social distancing, remaining in their bubbles or deliberate behaviours that put themselves or others at risk, such as spitting or deliberately coughing at people) the following sanctions and disciplinary procedures could be used:

  • Conversation(s) with pupil(s) which could include a verbal warning and contact will be made with the pupil’s parent/carer.

  • If the health and safety of other pupils and staff members are put at risk by the pupils not adhering to social distancing measures, then the parent/carer will be expected to collect the pupil.

Children with Special Education Needs 

Starmaker acknowledges that children will have had a range of different experiences during the lockdown period, which may have an impact on their behaviour presentation. 

As a result of these varied experiences children may present behaviour that is not usual:

  • Anxiety; lack of confidence

  • Challenging behaviour, fight or flight response

  • Anger; shouting or crying

  • Hyperactivity and difficulties maintaining attention

For some children, including those with attachment concerns or SEN, and especially those with autism, the change in routines and lack of familiarity will require additional adjustment. 

Starmaker will use reasonable endeavours to make the necessary adjustments to reduce the stimulus that may be triggering the challenging response.


Ballet Barres will not be used this term.

There will be no physical contact between teacher and pupil.

Acro mats will be cleaned after each class.  Bare feet will not be allowed.  Children doing Acro will need to either wear ballet / jazz shoes or socks with grips (you can purchase through us).


Monday – Main door to be used

Tuesday – (as per Aldenham’s policies & procedures)

Wednesday – (as per Hartsbourne’s policies & procedures)

Thursday – (entrance through main front door, (4pm class exit 10 minutes early) either through main door or fire exit)

Saturday – Enter through car park door, exit through front door.  Morning classes to finish 10 minutes early to allow time for cleaning